HOESTAR: A Series of Astrological Events
Our newest contributor Ria is an astrology enthusiast from the Bay Area here to read you and your charts. HOESTAR is a bi-weekly column that seeks to demystify and explain all things astrology— from placements to terminology and forecasting. If you’ve ever wanted a better understanding of what the Astro girlies are always talking about on Twitter and IG, this is the place for you.
This second column breaks down some of what we experienced Gemini season, which runs from May 21st- June 20th. Gemini placements, get in formation!
our staff writer, sultan, is a gemini sun
The Gemini (air) sign is represented by a pair of twins, Castor and Pollux, better known as Dioscuri. Interestingly, they were twin half brothers, one was the mortal son of King Tyndareus of Sparta and the other the divine son of Zeus. This representation highlights the duality of the Gemini energy, and how they are flexible and changeable, but still part of the same entity. Gemini's are a mutable sign which means they are flexible and accommodating, although some may find them inconsistent.
The Gemini Sun is loving, expressive, sociable and most importantly they thrive on communication. Ideas, conversations, things that make you go "hmmm" are all where the Gemini sun feels the most at home. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication so it's only natural that Geminis are masterful with their words. Those with their Sun in Gemini can come off as social, charming, and fun, however, just as quickly as they seem like social butterflies, they can be reserved, anti-social, and closed off. Gemini's need constant freedom, versatility and need to be stimulated or will get bored. People with this sign can suffer from anxiety if over or under-stimulated. In a more immature state, fighting can be foreplay and a more evolved Gemini will know how to turn you on mind, body, and soul and will literally show you the world in a whole new way.
JADEN SMITH: A Gemini venus
My Fave Planets in Gemini:
I love Venus in Gemini energy. Individuals with this placement are fun, intelligent, and spontaneous. They are never boring and if you're a “sapiosexual”, these are the people for you. They can be a part of any circle and connect with anyone. They dislike routine, so dating a Venus in Gemini is definitely an adventure. A Venus in Gemini person has big grand ideas of love. Love for them is always changing and growing. If you're seeking a partner that wants a house with a white picket fence, two kids, and a dog, this isn't the partner for you. Not that they don't want those things, but, they are more into the idea of road tripping cross country in an RV with their family, stopping in random towns, waking up one morning, and deciding you're flying to Paris with no return date!
What to expect this Gemini Season
MAJOR STUFF IN THE STARS THIS SEASON. Let's start with this eclipse. This wasn't just an eclipse, it was coupled with a Blood Moon as well, making that a shit show of emotions, intuition of overdrive, and chaos. This energy might have brought up a lot of old feelings. You might’ve been faced with realities you'd been avoiding. I don't see eclipse energy as bad. I see it as a time for you to face the truth about your life and those around you. With the mood energy, you will have had a great opportunity to release (and still can!) I always take a bath on big moon energy. I allow myself to cleanse my body and spirit. Light some candles, take stock of the past two years, and realize what you need to let go of. Have a good cry, drink some water, and after your bath, journal. The point is to face the truth because this eclipse made shit hit the fan, so, face it with grace or deal with the consequences of avoidance. Once you survived the eclipse, there was a Mercury retrograde and a Saturn retrograde. Standard retrograde rules apply:
Mercury Rx: Don’t travel, don't sign contracts, electronics are gonna be wonky, communication will be misunderstood and DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR EX.
Saturn Rx: You'll be tired, and unmotivated, don't force projects, and stay true to yourself. Saturn is the planet of karma and when in retrograde, karma is giving you a break to see if you learned the lesson before karma comes for you.