5 Strange Things People Do.

1. Looking over the subway platform to see if the train is coming. 

This fundamentally doesn’t make sense. This doesn’t make the train come any quicker. It seems like such an unnecessary dangerous habit. Stop doing that. I have a massive fear of falling onto the tracks so maybe that's where that stems from? I once walked into a subway train as the doors were closing and had to pry them open to avoid being squished into oblivion. See also: don't aimlessly walk on trains when you've had 2 hours of sleep. 

2. Consistently refreshing your inbox. 


There’s some sort of paranoia attached to missing emails that I can’t quite wrap my head around. Do you think you might, I don’t know, miss an email from the leader of the free world or something? Half of the emails you get you either don't read or delete as soon as they come in your inbox. Stop subscribing to every rewards program/newsletter/competition etc etc (literally just speaking to myself on this one because wow I don't even shop at American Eagle and yet I still get emails from them). 

3. Watching multiple shows at once. 

That can’t be enjoyable? You miss the major plots. The story lines. Picture the grandparents in Courage the Cowardly Dog blankly staring at a tv screen. What is actually the point ? 

4. Taking photos at funerals. 

I started to include a photo of someone at a funeral taking a selfie with their deceased relative...needless to say, I decided against it.  

5. Opening water bottles and never finish them. 

I actually should admit that I do this ALL DAY LONG TBH. There’s something about new water that tastes better than two day old, half drunken Poland Spring water bottles. See also there are people in towns like Flint  that don't actually have access to clean water at all so I'm kind of weening myself off of this bad habit. 

thinkayanna mcneil