12 Black Creatives Embrace Their Natural Hair
As a child, I spent many afternoons sitting on the floor of my living room, in between my mother's legs, as she greased my scalp and meticulously combed through my kinks and coils in an effort to make me look presentable. Large twists with the occasional zig-zag part and color coordinating hair accessories became my go-to. My mother's hands were magical. She would turn an unruly fro into a style worthy of a Hype Hair spread. This lasted for about 8 or 9 years until my hair simply became too much for her to handle. She couldn't bare to listen to my screams and watch the tears stream down my face as she attempted to run the comb through my hair. Youtube did not exist yet so phrases like "twist out" and "wash and go" simply were not a part of our vocabulary. I proceeded to relax my hair from the 2nd grade until about my junior year in college. On January 2nd I decided to do the big chop and get rid of those relaxed ends that I was holding on for 14 months as I transitioned from relaxed to natural. Now I feel liberated. Free. There's something about cutting off your hair and starting anew that many black women who have taken the plunge into the world of kinks and coils can relate with. It's magical.
me circa 99'
From Viola Davis in Elle Magazine to Naptural85 on Youtube we're beginning to see black women of all hair types represented in the media and it is a beautiful thing. And while, yes, it must be said that the less dense, loosely coiled curl patterns do get more spotlight than us 4c women, we cannot ignore the strides brands like Shea Moisture and digital influencers like Jouelzy have done to insure that all black women feel included in the natural hair movement. We've come to understand that locs and fros do not equal childish, unattractive, and unprofessional as we continue to unlearn these Eurocentric beauty standards that were thrusted upon us. Wigs and weaves and extensions and even relaxers are beauty enhancers and totally fun to play with and partake in but it is ok to love the way each one of your hair strands grows out of your scalp.
Here are 12 Black creatives who fearlessly embrace their natural hair.
1. Mekdes Mersha | Clinical Research Coordinator
CREDIT: Instagram / @mekdesmersha
2. Zolee Griggs | Blogger + Youtuber
CREDIT: Instagram / @zolee_g
3. Lizzo | Musician
CREDIT: Vevo / Lizzo's "Humanize"
4. Francesca Ramsey | Writer + Actress + Video Blogger
CREDIT: Instagram / @chescaleigh
5. Willow Smith | Artist + Musician
CREDIT: Instagram / @willowsmith
6. Bee Walker | Photographer
CREDIT: Instagram / @beewalker
7. Ari Fitz | Youtuber + Model
CREDIT: Instagram / @itsarifitz
8. Issa Rae | Actor + Writer + Director
CREDIT: Photo by Kat Contreras
9. Kyemah McEntyre | Designer
CREDIT: Instagram / @mindofkye_
10. Coco and Breezy | Designers + DJs + Dancers
CREDIT: Instagram / @cocoandbreezy
11. Julia Sarr Jamois | Senior Fashion Editor of i-D
CREDIT: Instagram / @sarrjamois
12. Adwoa Aboah | Model + Founder of Gurls Talk
CREDIT: Instagram / @adwoaaboah