Get Dressed: From High-Waisted Denim to Fur Coats and Everything In Between
Me in final form
Fashion does not exist separate from all other cultural influences. Fashion responds according to the cultural climate it exists in. Trends simply do not pop up out of the woodwork. If one were to look at fashion as a sort of mathematical equation:
(Politics + Art + Music)^ (Feelings/Emotional Climate)= Fashion
So we’ve established that these varying cultural elements: politics, art, and music, accompanied by the feelings of the people creates fashion. In order for fashion to propel forward, there needs to be some sort of shift in the cultural climate. Now when these cultural changes happen on larger scales, these shifts bring about certain feelings within the people who consume them.
I get it. This sounds like brujeria or some weird theory that has no basis in fact. Consider this. The leather moto jacket trend didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. During the 1950s, a new generation was born. The Baby Boomer generation gave birth to the teenager. Now here you have this huge market of people that needed clothes to buy, music to listen to, and films to watch. Naturally, culture responded and out came Juvenile Delinquency movies, like the famous Rebel Without A Cause, films dedicated to filling this void in the market. Lead James Dean served teen rebel aesthetic on a platter complete with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth, a gelled-up pompadour, and you guessed it: a leather moto jacket. Fashion isn’t an island: it’s a response.
Fashion for those who have dedicated their lives to creating, analyzing, and producing it have come to understand that the clothes mean nothing. The person means everything. You cannot remove the person from the clothes they wear. It all seems trivial, right? An industry that has been built on the premise that you need things to be happy. Buy that Vêtements hoodie. Buy that bag. Those shoes. But that's not quite right. Fashion is a tool—a means to an end if you will. One can effectively use fashion as a means of expression. A way to make life a little bit more enjoyable. Fashion is fun. Think about that feeling you got the night before the first day of school thinking about the outfit you had so meticulously planned out. Or the moment when you found the prom dress that made you feel like the most glorious being in the room. When you broke out the new pair of sneakers fresh out the box and laced them up on your feet for the first time. When you wore the concert tee from the first time you got to see your favorite band live.
If one were to take a look at my Rolodex of style phases, one would be looking at the evolution of me as a person. Figuring out what works and what doesn’t—growing into myself. See, the way in which I view change is through denim and blazers and graphic tees. I have somehow managed to wire my brain so that I have formed a connection between the clothes I wear and the person I’ve become. Fashion has very little to do with the clothes themselves and so much to do with the people who wear them. Okay, so I suppose this would be a great time to show you some photos of mine. If I’m being honest some of these photos should stay in the archives of Tumblr never to be seen from again but alas what can you do? Let the record show that middle school photos have been left out of this conversation because who needs all that negativity in their life?
Oh to be Young, Gifted and Black.
Three things need to be pointed out. The K-Swiss were CLEAN. The baggy high waisted denim paired with the gifted school tee. CLASSIC. Ah yes, and the embroidered purple shorts never seized to bring me joy.
Let's get weird.
Here I have just discovered the wondrous world of Goodwill. A part of me was vibing out to the oxfords and glasses aesthetic but here you can see a little bit of edge coming through. The combats. The dark lip. The hot pink blazer.
Erykah Ba-who?
Still thrifting but we've added a little bit of D.I.Y to the mix with the detachable collar with toy soldiers inspired by The Fashion Citizen and earthy vibes with the knit top and the wooden beads.
Diego and I.
Still thrifting. Still getting it together. D.I.Y still kicking. Discovered the world of Frida Kahlo and fell in love thus the handmade flower headbands. Hawaiian shirts because— Casual Fridays. Otterboxes on FLEEK.
So here I begin to play with the mix of menswear and womenswear. Shoutouts to my grandma for letting me borrow her hat. Peep the acid wash denim skirt, fanny pack, and turquoise tights because who doesn't enjoy an 80s throwback?
All or Nothing
So here we've established that: 1, if I'm wearing the color I'm in fact wearing ALL the colors. 2. That coat is magical. So much so that I've worn it to class because—why not?